1. Each reading response should be a short essay of approximately 300 words,
1-2 typewritten double-spaced pages in length. You must write in
full sentences and use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
2. Your essay should answer the assigned question, drawing on the relevant
reading assignment. It is very important to deal with what the author
says about the question, not simply with what you think. (However, you
may contrast your own opinion with the author’s, offer a critique of her
argument, etc. But this requires that you start by setting out the author’s
3. Even though you are dealing with the author’s view about the question,
you need to express it in your own words. Extended quotations of the text
are inappropriate in an assignment of this length, and even short quotations
require your analysis (e.g., you will need to explain what the sentence
you have quoted means, how it bears on the question, etc.).
4. Misrepresenting the words or ideas of others as your own is plagiarism.
You will not receive credit for any reading responses that contain plagiarism.
Moreover, it is course policy that plagiarism will result in a failing grade
for the course and the possibility of further administrative sanctions.
5. If you are completely unsure of what the author is claiming or how it bears
on the question you have been asked to answer, you should write a brief essay
on what the author seems to be claiming, why it does not make sense to you,
and what two questions you might ask the author to help you understand his view.
6. Reading responses are due at the beginning of lecture. No late reading
responses will be accepted. Of the 13 reading responses assigned,
your lowest three grades will be dropped from the average.
Course syllabus