Finding the course and getting in:

1. Use your browser to get to and click on Login to my WebCT.
2. Enter your WebCT ID (W+last seven digits of SJSU student ID). If you added the course, your WebCT ID will be (phil107+lastname+first2lettersoffirstname) with no spaces. In other words, Rene Descartes would have the WebCT ID "phil107descartesre".
3. Enter your password. (At the moment, “spring,” but you’ll change it to something more secure soon.) Click Log In.
4. Click on Phil 107– Philosophy and Literature. This is the WebCT homepage for our course!

The "Course Reader" icon will take you to the online course reader, which contains PDF versions of all the assigned readings marked with CR on the greensheet.

We will be using the Discussion area for discussions of the various works we are reading. If you need help figuring it out, you can click on Discussion, then click on Help in the gray horizontal bar at the top of the page.


You can also check out WebCT tutorials at