Ethics in Science

Course grade breakdown:

Course ground rules agreement 2%
Quiz: Understanding (and avoiding) plagiarism 2%
Quiz: Basic concepts and background information for case studies 2%
Case study initial responses: 12%
Case study quizzes: 12%
Reading quizzes: 10%
Research reports: 10%
Review of an ethics training module: 10%
Manifesto (draft-for-review): 5%
Manifesto (revised): 10%
Final exam: 15%
Class participation: 10%
Total: 100%


Your marks on assignments will be converted to percentages (e.g., 15/20 = 75%) and used to compute letter grades as follows:

A+ 98-100% B+ 87-89% C+ 77-79% D+ 67-69%
A 93-97% B 83-86% C 73-76% D 60-66%
A- 90-92% B- 80-82% C- 70-72% F 0-59%



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